Another fortnight, another almighty swing of the proverbial transfer wheel.
Indeed, it seems almost like a game of roulette for the British tabloids; pick two random clubs and a random player, think of the largest transfer fee that comes to mind, see if it all makes a remotely plausible story and then thrash out the most click-baity headline possible. That’s a whole sleazy industry summed up in a single sentence.
We admit, This Is Futbol is guilty as charged. But hey – don’t hate the player, hate the game.
We do like to think, however, that there’s at least some genuine information behind our daily transfer reports, a couple of realistic facts and figures here and there.
And just in case you’ve missed any of them over the last fortnight, here’s FIVE involving Premier League table-toppers Chelsea wrapped up and compressed into a single bite-sized article for you.