
Does Luka Modric hold too much power over Tottenham?

Image for Does Luka Modric hold too much power over Tottenham?

In an attempt to convince Luka Modric that his ambitions can be realised at White Hart Lane, Spurs manager Harry Redknapp has announced that he intends to recruit new faces this summer and remains defiant in his belief that Tottenham can retain their star assets to offset the disappointment of failing to qualify for next season’s Champions League. “I think we have to show him [Modric] our ambition, which we will do,” Redknapp said, before continuing: “If we can add one or two good players to our squad there’s no reason we can’t have another great season. Tottenham could be a great club for him to stay with for the next few years. That’s what we’re hoping for.”

A number of Premier League clubs have begun what promises to be a busy summer of extravagant spending in wild fashion. Jordan Henderson has signed for Liverpool at a fee of £20million from Sunderland, Manchester United have spent a reported £16.5million on Blackburn’s Phil Jones and Newcastle have purchased no less than three players already with the transfer window set to officially reopen on July 1st.

As expected, north London has been the focus of several transfer rumours as Arsene Wenger plans to renege on his previous aversion to the transfer market as others from across the continent look to exploit Tottenham’s Europa League consolation by prising their best players away with the lure of Champions League football. Despite Gareth Bale’s sudden emergence, and Rafael van der Vaart’s spectacular maiden season contribution, Modric has been and remains Spurs’ most gifted talent and his open interview where he revealed an immediate desire to join Chelsea was released last weekend to little surprise.

On signing an extended deal to 2016 exactly 12 months ago, the Croatian stated: “Tottenham Hotspur gave me my chance in the Premier League and I want to go on to achieve great success here with them. Yes, there have been enquiries from other big clubs, but I have no interest in going anywhere. Last season’s (2009-2010) Top 4 finish was an indication of where we are as a club and I feel I can continue to improve and go on to achieve everything I want to at Spurs.”

Although it will be difficult for even the most understanding of Tottenham fans to swallow Modric’s recent volte-face, a year of Champions League experience and appearances at both the San Siro and Santiago Bernabeu have whetted the 25 year-old’s appetite, and it seems likely that a suitable offer – in the region of £30million – will ultimately tempt Daniel Levy and the Spurs board to reluctantly sanction his departure.

Even though Levy and Redknapp have appeared publicly implacable, they must remember that there are no loyalties in football, and that Modric deserves the chance to realize the glory he is capable of at another team with compatible aspirations they can realistically achieve. Highlighting perennial local rivals, Chelsea, as a possible destination will undoubtedly incense the White Hart Lane faithful more than had he suggested a possible move abroad, but I believe the decision should be left to the player himself seeing as his club have taken a step back in their progression.

I for one hope to see him move on sooner rather than later, before his age prevents him from obtaining the silverware his abilities warrant, and it would be in Redknapp’s best interests to begin preparations for the next campaign without Modric in mind. His financial value should dictate a sizeable profit from the £16million outlaid three years ago and Redknapp is safe in the knowledge that he maintains a healthy relationship with a generous and progressive chairman who will strive to replace the midfielder will similar quality should the player’s exit transpire. For now, the ball is in Modric’s court, but Spurs would be wise to let last year’s Fans’ Player of the Year transfer his words in to actions, or risk intensifying a saga which will likely hinder planning for a particularly important impending season at the Lane.

Written by Josh Sheridan for

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  • Blackrat1299 says:

    Who are you? The players agent? Or a chavs agent.
    You are talking out of your a***.
    Just because we took a step backwards this year doesn’t mean we cant go forward nexr year.
    What about chavs, what did they win? In proportion they took more of a backward step than we did when you consider the money and players they have got.
    Our Luka does not need you to help him decide what he wants to do, further more get upto date, he is going to retract his stament.

  • northspur says:

    Easy to see you are not a spurs supporter but 100% a London team supporter.

  • COYS says:

    Does Modric have any power over Tottenham?

    He’s locked into a six year contract at White Hart Lane.

    Even if he decided he would run his contract down and move on a free transfer he would be 31 before this could happen.

    Tottenham seem to have all the power in thus situation.

  • KennyM says:

    Cockhead…..what a waste of time this article is….go get a f**cking day job .

  • Treacle says:

    Yawn, these made up Modric stories are getting really boring. Can I have your job please FFC, reckon I can come up with better bullsh*t than this.

  • Iain says:

    Does he have too much power?

    he wants to leave, Spurs want him to stay, and for now at least he’s staying. So no.

    “I for one hope to see him move on sooner rather than later, before his age prevents him from obtaining the silverware his abilities warrant”

    So there’s no point in me supporting Spurs because only the “big clubs” will ever win stuff? Thanks for letting me know, I’ll stop going to watch, there’s no point is there.

  • Mark says:

    “Modric deserves the chance to realize the glory he is capable of at another team”. How do you work that out? What has he done to deserve that? Signed a deal with someone else and taken their money until it no longer suits him so he publicly stirs things up to get his own way. Football is not run for the players benefit, they are employees. Hope he is kept at Spurs and if he kicks up they should let him rot as an example to other self important, over paid gits. Clubs are bigger than players and so are the fans. One individual has no right to manipulate their situation to the detriment of everything they have previously signed up to do.

  • parrymore says:

    Oh dear, oh dear…
    …”there are no loyalties in football, and that Modric deserves the chance to realize the glory he is capable of at another team” is the biggest load of horses**t I’ve read in a while.
    Firstly, your argument is self defeating – if there WAS loyalty in football, that might be an argument for letting a player go “to realise the glory” etc. However even if that were the case, he should have thought about that before he extended his contract a short time ago. And why should Modric expect anything different than Fabregas got from Wenger or Ronaldo got from Fergie – even if they do (did) get the move they want later, why should a club just roll over for them?
    I think you may find that Modric is a different kettle of fish to the other two, anyway. Noises from his camp seem to suggest he’s going to return rather more contrite (certainly I wouldn’t hold my breath if you’re waiting for him to pose with some of the Chelsea team in one of their shirts).
    And anyway, your headline asks if Modric has too much power – if the answer is “yes” as it implies, that would be even more reason to not give in…
    By the way, Redknapp has being saying he wants to recruit one or two (or three) “top players” since the end of the season…anyone could see that’s what Tottenham need…
    Actually, thinking about it…if Modric was to be allowed to go “off to seek glory” I doubt if Chelsea is the best bet…huge gamble on the new manager – might find they do a Liverpool next year..

  • ross v says:

    WTF is the point in this article??? If we have this attitude we will always be a small minded team with limited aspirations and bitterly annoyed fans. Why would you hope he goes? Who cares about his resale value at 31? We found him, we employ him and he is a spurs player on a 6 year contract. I do not expect him to be a spurs player till he is 31 but i do expect him to at least give us one more year. He is the heartbeat of the best spurs team in decades. Keep him at all costs and lets enjoy another season with his genius on show. If we get 2-3 top players , as harry says we could be genuine contenders. Clean sheets and lots of goals and we’ll be back in the champions league.

  • Niven Frey says:

    My word who ever wrote this article you really should do some proper research and try and get a feel for a situation. If you think Spurs will just happily let Modric go for 30million then you will be left embarrassingly with egg on your face. Modric, as all the key players, will still be at Spurs next season fighting for a champions league place which I expect them to achieve. And by the way we lost the ‘EMPIRE’ because of lily livered attitudes like yours!

  • yidz says:

    This website definitely wants him to move on.Its mot gonna happen ;-).

  • Benny says:

    Same old ,same old,the press and bloggers are desperate to get Modric out of Spurs,why ? is it cos most of them were in love with Utd,Arsenal ,Pool and Chelsea. The big four is no longer,those days have gone, confined to history, choose another team to drool over .Chelsea are not a bigger club,just a lot older…….. oh yes and richer.

  • shelf side yid says:

    You have just wasted 2 mins of my life reading that shit! Sounds like you work for the chavs like other journos do for fergie! The russian mafia can do one! Can’t wait for fair play to come in all the so called top 4 will be fucked!
    Luka take no notice of the chavs!

  • Tony says:

    Crap article. You’re behind the times there is every prospect of the rift being healed. By the way the if Levy sanctioned a £30m deal that would be seen by many as a resignation issue- most Spurs fans know his market value is around $45m.

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