Premier League

West Ham United: Fans react to report on first-team squad

Image for West Ham United: Fans react to report on first-team squad

Fans of West Ham United have been reacting to a report on the Hammers’ first-team squad returning to training.

On Tuesday, the Premier League released a statement regarding the tests of players and staff of top-flight clubs due to the current viral outbreak and following that, @westhamfootball relayed that no Hammers players tested positive and none had refused to train.

So, when the news was relayed by @WHUFCFZ, fans aired their opinions on the matter.

1 of 10

To kick off this quiz on the goings-on with West Ham last week, interview footage of which player emerged on Twitter discussing the Premier League's potential return?

Has the Premier League had its clubs go back to training too soon?

Yes, it's far too soon

Yes, it's far too soon

No, it's the right time

No, it's the right time

According to the Premier League’s statement on the tests, six people across three different top-flight clubs had tested positive.

However, with all of those tested for West Ham coming back negative (via @westhamfootball), supporters continued airing their responses.

What do we think?

As can be judged from these responses of West Ham supporters, they are clearly delighted that all of those tested at Rush Green have come back negative for the current viral outbreak.

Hopefully, now, the Hammers will maintain an adequate level of social distancing as outlined in the club’s announcement which revealed that they would be returning to training (per West Ham).

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