
Why Rangers need to start pushing their brand:

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Charles GreenRangers CEO Charles Green is once again pushing for Rangers to be allowed to play football in the English leagues.

He claims that both Rangers and Celtic will be playing competitive matches down south within the next five years. Green claims to have the backing of a least two English side to Rangers packing their bags and heading for a better life down south.

This would be good news for Rangers, who after the bigotry aimed at them from the corrupt SPL clubs over the administration of the club, would welcome a change from the poisoned game that now exists in Scotland.  Rangers have lost their place in Scottish football and will probably never get it back.

The appetite for the game in Scotland is at its lowest ebb and fans are leaving the terraces at an alarming rate.  With most of the Scottish public indifferent to the game now, Dunfermline seem to be the latest club ready to go to the wall. Who will be next? It is anyone’s guess.

There may be some traditionalists in the Rangers support who still, even after the events of last year, see Rangers as a purely Scottish brand. A more immediate problem may be that this present team would struggle in whichever league they played in. Serious team building needs to be done for the next chapter in the Ranger story to be told.

But by getting the Rangers support on his side when he took over the club, Charles Green has proved that he can win an argument. And his claim of Rangers playing in England should not be dismissed out of hand.

Rangers are a brand name and, if the excitement levels can be kept high, the support will respond. If Charles Green can get Rangers into the leagues down south he will be seen as a visionary, for Rangers are more than a football club. They are a footballing institution.

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  • fromrussiawithlove says:

    Rangers could only benefit English football and vice versa. With todays transport links would be easier to get to most games than Rangers fans coming to Ibrox from the far north 20 years ago!

  • ZombieNation says:

    The The rangers tainted forever!

    • brayrfc says:

      you should know about tainted your club will always be tainted pacific shelf 595

  • Vinny says:

    55 old boy

  • morgan says:

    we may be the the Rangers to some but we don,t do little bhoys like shelik.

  • jockybhoy says:

    The reason for Scottish football being at it’s lowest ebb IS RANGERS (old & new). Corruption, favouritism anbd cronyism is what has damaged Scottish football and you expect the English to import this? Not in a month of sundays!

    Charles Grenn hold NO WEIGHT south of the border and OldGers fans actions at the Europa Cup in Manchester has ensured they are a tainted brand down here in England.

    NewGers wil not be playing in England in 5 years, in fact based on published financials, they won’t be playing in Scotland in 5 years.

  • BIG Fenian drum says:

    Hahaha Sevco frankenrangers !

  • SFTB says:

    “With most of the Scottish public indifferent to the game now, Dunfermline seem to be the latest club ready to go to the wall. Who will be next? It is anyone’s guess.”

    My guess is that Hearts, whose finances never made any sense, will be next to go. After that, it will be a race between Killie and Sevco (who are losing £1m per month).

    Do you think they will fool people with a 2nd resurrection being allowed to come back as The The Rangers? I can’t Believe it’s not Rangers? New Improved Rangers? We only exist to make fun of Child Abuse FC? or Charlie Chuckles Fun Factory XI (forgive the Roman numerals)?

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